
Autumn blanket

  • RSD
  • EUR

AUTUMN BLANKET model-7 (230 EUR) is made as a unique in one copy. The blanket is no longer available, but a design tailored only to your interior can be made. Live With Nature Collection.

Throughout the year, there are many periods when the weather becomes changeable and hot and cold days change quickly. It is ideal to have blankets in the house then, which will be able to warm us enough, but at the same time be comfortable, soft and light. The best choice are blankets made of natural materials, especially wool, which is a great insulator all year round. Our handmade blankets are created for use during cold periods (for living rooms and bedrooms), for nature trips as well as a comfortable afternoon rest. They are increasingly used for terraces and yards. They are designed so that with beauty they can beautifully decorate your home, but also really warm you. They are made of the finest materials thicker and thinner: wool, cotton, viscose, which ensures the comfort and quality of the product.

This model is designed on both sides (front-rear) to provide more combination options. One side is designed in several colors and is done with the patchwork technique, while the other is one-color. It is possible to use additional techniques in making (embroidery).

The use of natural fabrics is certainly one step closer to nature, but also to refreshing the interior.

Postage is included in the product price.

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