
Children’s blanket

  • RSD
  • EUR

CHILDREN’S BLANKET (300EUR) is made as unique and only in one copy. The blanket is personalized and specially made for one little girl.

Designing and making a children’s blanket is perhaps the sweetest and most beloved thing to create. It’s hard to single out the most beautiful theme, but the personalized story is still a little more special. One fine summer day, a small pearl surfaced somewhere in the sea. That’s how this blanket was created.

In addition to natural and comfortable woolen materials, the girl’s favorite pieces of things that she wore as a very small baby were also chosen. Each piece is carefully cut and used to create a motif. The first masks, bunnies and gloves were used in the most beautiful way, and recognition and happiness went to the parents. In order for the story to be created in the most beautiful possible way, a lot of manual folk embroidery and artistic freehand embroidery were used for the details.

Our blankets can have a wide range of applications: for playing, for covering, for picnics, for sleeping…

If you are also parents who want to save things from being forgotten by your children and loved ones, there is an opportunity to do so. The most beautiful presents and gifts are created in this way. Invite us to create the most beautiful blankets for you too.

Postage is included in the product price.

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